from: Kane Chen <>
to: Transcend Admissions Consultants <>
date: Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 1:30 PM
subject: Re: Hi David
Hi David!

This is Kane Chen.  I wanted update you on my applications.  I have been admitted to the Tulane University Master of Science in Finance (MSF) program, the Illinois Institute of Technology MSF program, and have been waitlisted at University of Rochester (Simon) MSF program. 

After putting a lot of thought into this I have decided to go to Tulane next year!  Many thanks for all of your help with my applications.  As you know, in the beginning I was not confident that my GPA and TOEFL would be high enough to be admitted to these prestigious schools.  But with your advice and detailed editing, my essays/SOPs and letters of recommendations really highlighted my strenghs and minimized these weaknesses.  I know that I could not have accomplished this without you.

Lets go drink some whisky and celebrate before I go to the US!  And of course, you are welcome to visit me in New Orleans next year during Mardi Gras…  😉

