This is the time of year when we congratulate many successful MBA and graduate school applicants on receiving their acceptances.  This is also the time of year that many people receive an often somewhat unpleasant surprise – that they have been placed on the waitlist.

For many people who have been involved in the application process for many months being placed on the waitlist seems like a terrible thing as they will need to continue the agony of waiting indefinitely. While being placed on the waitlist is not the wonderful news many people are anxiously waiting to hear, there is still hope, and applicants are often admitted from the waitlist eventually.

Besides this past article we wrote about planning a waitlist strategy, the best advice we can give to those on the waitlist is to be optimistic and most importantly, be patient.  You should not be bothering the school’s admissions committee once a week asking for updates.  While being patient is easier said than done, the best way is to distract yourself by working on a new project or focusing on making quick improvement to a test score.  The most important thing is to focus on continual improvement and becoming a stronger candidate.  This action might help you take the small step you need to gain admission in the short-term, or if you decide to apply again in the future.            

Good luck to all applicants on the waitlist!  And if you would like to discuss a specific waitlist strategy, feel free to reach out to us at